Divination Terms & Ethics
Divination Readings
All forms of Divination are brilliant if you're looking for some insight, clarity and/or guidance for your life in general or a specific area of focus. They are also a great tool if you're looking to develop, grow and learn as an individual by focusing on self-discovery and harnessing your inner power.
Dream Decoding
It is important to remember that dreams are highly personal, and will always have the most significance to the person experiencing the dream. However, their psychological significance should never be forgotten. Dreams are our unconscious reflection of internal fears, anxieties, desires and hopes. They will offer up invaluable insights and point to areas of our lives that we need to be focusing on.
You are the master of your life and yourself. You have the power to change your path. These readings and sessions do not mean something will happen, but rather show you what might happen if you stay on your current path. I am not guaranteeing anything, but I am providing you with guidance and insight. They are not a replacement for therapy or medical attention.
Payment must be made immediately upon booking a reading or session through the appropriate channels.
Bookings must be made through the appropriate channels. Availability will be specified and options offered.
You do not need to do anything specific during a reading or session but you are more than welcome to take time out during a slot to meditate and/or relax in which ever way you choose.
Cancellation terms
Cancellations can be made up to 24 hours before a Divination Reading or Dream Decoding Session. In this event a full refund will be issued once the cancellation has been acknowledge.
Once a Divination Reading or Dream Decoding Session has been sent you cannot cancel your reading or session, and you will not be issued with a refund.
I care about the well-being of my clients, I have clear personal boundaries and my ethics are a core part of my service.
I work to help others hear their inner guide and to empower themselves. I aim to help you to think through options, look at different perspectives and come to informed decisions on your own.
Divination is not a replacement for therapy or medical attention.
I will treat my clients with compassion, sensitivity and respect - but I will also be open and honest with the messages that I receive.
If I feel like you have selected a topic that does not align with my ethics I reserve the right to cancel your reading or session. In this event a full refund will be issued.
Data Protection
Your information will always be confidential. This means I will never share any detail of a client's reading without their express permission. I will store client information securely and in-line with data protection, and it will only be used for the purpose of a Divination reading or session, unless otherwise agreed.